In accordance with the original mission, the CPDH promotes the collaboration of social, popular, and Human Rights organizations, through actions of coordination, convergence, and strengthening of the social movement for peace.
From the actions of coordination and convergence have come out spaces such as the Colombia-Europe-United States Coordination for Human Rights, which brings together most of the Human Rights organizations in the country; The Never Again Project, which compiles the crimes against humanity of the last thirty years; The Civil Society's Permanent Assembly for Peace and the DESC (Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) Colombian Platform participate in humanitarian and cross-institutional commissions for the prevention and observation of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in several of the country's regions.
Internationally the CPDH strives for the respect of the self-determination of all peoples and for the universality of Human Rights in alliance with the Human Rights International Federation, as a correspondent organization.

Development of the social movement for peace:

The CPDH integrates and works for the development of the social movement for peace. It promotes popular action for peace through several activities of reflection and formation.